How Do I Get Started In Customer Success?

 I see this question asked a fair bit on LinkedIn. I’ve also been approached direct multiple times by people asking about finding a role in customer success. Usually people want to know what books, blogs and articles they could read, or is there any training they...

Is It Time To Call Time On NPS?

Net Promoter Score (NPS) was born at the dawn of the Software As A Service (SaaS) age. Developed by two consultants at Bain and first released into the wild in a 2003 Harvard Business Review article is it for many the gold standard measurement for customer loyalty....

Outcomes From A Customer Success Focus

Customer success is best seen as a company responsibility rather than as something owned by a function even if much of the day to day direct execution rests with the CSM team. It’s hard therefore to fully define customer success outcomes unless you’ve been through a...